Took weights and got the kits and Sookie moved into the larger cage today. I’m happy with their weight gains thus far. The largest kit for the second week in a row is RS09. The smallest is again RS04. These blogs are more for my personal library, so I can go back and look through my litters over time. I have sexed the kits, again, and now there is only ONE doe – RS10. This litter is currently unavailable due to my rabbitry quarantine, but when I’m confident we don’t have a disease outbreak going on, I will open sales back up. No kits are spoken for as of yet.
RR-RS0917 : 3 week weights & sexes
– RR-RS04: smallest of the litter, black buck; 6.4oz (+2oz)
– RR-RS05: black buck; 8.9oz (+2.8oz)
– RR-RS06: black buck; 6.6oz (+1.7oz – smallest gain)
-RR-RS07: blue buck(?); 11.6oz (+3oz)
– RR-RS08: blue buck(?); 11.3oz (+2.9oz)
– RR-RS09: largest of the litter, blue buck; 12oz (+3.1oz – largest gain)
– RR-RS10: blue doe (the ONLY doe); 7.5oz (+1.9oz)
– RR-RS11: blue buck; 8.8oz (+2.4oz)