I realize I’ve been slacking on the blog posts & weights of the kits. This is entirely because I’ve been traveling like crazy lately, and I go out of town again tomorrow. Luckily I managed to complete a round of weights & photos today. I’ve decided that as far as keeping/selling pedigreed animals from the RS0917 litter, I don’t think any kits are worth keeping, so none will be sold with pedigrees. My pick of the litter is RR-RS09, he is the largest kit and gains weight the fastest and most consistently. He will make a great addition to someone’s meat program. I’m also happy with how the RQ1017 litter is growing. They’re at their most adorable age.
RR-RS0917 Litter 7 Week Weights:
RR-RS04: 2lb 3.1oz [+15.5oz/2 weeks OR ~7.75oz/wk]
RR-RS05: 2lb 7.2oz [+18.1oz/9.05oz]
RR-RS06: 2lb 4.8oz [+16.6oz/8.3oz]
RR-RS07: 2lb 11.9oz [+17.2oz/8.6oz]
RR-RS08: 2lb 12.4oz [+18.5oz/9.25oz]
RR-RS09: 3lb 2.0oz [+22.2oz/11.1oz]
RR-RS10: 2lb 3.5oz [+16.1oz/8.05oz]
RR-RS11: 2lb 8.9oz [+18.3oz/9.15oz]
RR-RQ1017 Litter 24 Day Weights:
RR-RQ01: blue buck, 12.2oz [+7.2oz/2 weeks OR ~3.6oz/wk]
RR-RQ02: blue doe, 11.9oz [+7.4oz/3.7oz]