The chicks are getting SO BIG, SO FAST! Their 2 week birthday was Thursday (3/29), and this week we moved them out into the coop/shed. They are still under a light, but they have a little more room to move around and can scratch in the straw. They are pretty friendly, and I am getting more and more excited for when we can move them into their big pen.
In other news, just wanted to add a couple of things. For one, I am pretty excited about how well the rabbitry is doing. Our weaned kits are doing PHENOMENALLY, and we have picked out our keeper lilac doe. I’ve named her Lavender. She’s photographed below. Also, we added some amazing new stock to the rabbitry. Two High Rock rabbits, Yoda & Hymn (both have 3 legs and are each only 1 leg away from their grand champion titles), and one Miss Maggie’s rabbit from PA, Big D. He has won 3 BOV (best of variety) and has received comments as being “one of the best blues” the judges had ever seen. We bred for our final litters of the season last week, Yoda bred to Hymn, Big D bred to Sookie, and Navy bred to Queenie. Looking forward to it.

We also took Willa to her first outing, a NADVHA event, to get her some exposure. We met two other ‘griff’ owners, and she made TONS of friends. She was also exhausted afterwards. We had a great day, looking forward to testing her in the fall.
Now, please enjoy some chicken selfies. 🙂

Well, everything is adorable, but I am most partial to the rabbits. Love Big D! What a hunk! And I think you stole one of my names for a blue, but Lavender is absolutely adorable. Excited for you! I hope you get those last legs for GC very soon.