The Central Alabama Rabbit Enthusiasts (CARE) show was a really fantastic show. The GASFRB group rallied together and we got some experienced show attendees together with some folks who haven’t shown before. It was great to get to meet new faces and to see that we are garnering interest in the breed. I also learned how to write for the judges, and I learned a lot. It was interesting to listen to judging and features for different breeds that I am unfamiliar with. My favorite breed that I wrote for were the Holland Lops. They’re adorable. I was also particularly happy with how my rabbits did, Miss Sookie placed better than she ever has in a class of 5, and Pirate earned his 2nd leg against 5 other bucks.

I’ve posted the results below. I would like to also give a big shout out to SUPER SECRETARY Roxane! Trust me when I say that we competitors LOVE how quickly you get exhibitor reports out to us after the shows. You have spoiled us!

Show A
Judge: Sue Rice
Pirate (black sr buck) – 4th of 5
Yoda (black sr buck) – DQ (underweight)
Sookie (black sr doe) – 5th of 6
Maggie (black Sr doe) – 2nd of 6

Show B
Judge: Caleb Thomas
Pirate – 2nd of 5
Yoda – 5th of 5
Sookie – 2nd of 6
Maggie – 3rd of 6

Show C
Judge: Joe Colucci
Pirate – 1st of 5; BOV, BOB [1 leg]
Yoda – DQ (underweight)
Sookie – 4th of 6
Maggie – 2nd of 6
After the show, I bred Dallan to Faith, with 3 fall offs, I’m hoping for a litter of full siblings to DF02. I also bred Dallan to my friend Beth’s black doe, 2 fall offs with her so hopefully she will have a good litter as well. Sookie and Queenie are due next week (whoopsie), thankfully my friend Linda will be checking in on them for me while we are away. That’s about all for now!