Once again I have been slacking at blogging. This time, I am blaming the holidays. We had an absolutely splendid Christmas here in Georgia.
Most folks know that we split our holidays, one year we do Thanksgiving in PA and Christmas in GA, and the next year we switch. This allows us to have time with both of our families and trek back to PA for some hunting and family time.
This was our first Christmas in the new house. Last year, the farm was purchased in mid-December, however we weren’t living in it until the first week of January. We had a very special Christmas, my mom, stepdad, brother, and stepbrother all came down and spent some time. My brothers flew home on Christmas Eve, and my stepdad and mom stayed until the 26th. We hosted Christmas Eve dinner at our house, which was a blast! We served our home-grown pork and other yummy fixins, played games, and got to spend time with Justus’ family.
We made out quite well on the farm for Christmas. Mom, of course, got kale and golden raisins for the chickens, geese, and ducks. My dad got us started with our orchard, providing a gift of fruit trees and berry bushes. I also received a fabulous tumbler with the RF logo & my name on it from Justus’ mom, Rebecca. Also received a chicken tea pot from my brother. Had a fantastic time, and now I am slowly getting back into the swing of normalcy.
As far as farm goings-on, not much has happened lately. I’m in the process of weaning and butchering some rabbits while I have time off, as well as the 3 roosters that Bertha hatched late this summer. I built a new ‘keeper’ growout rabbit cage. It has 5 smaller sized holes, perfect for single growouts and small litters. I do quite enjoy building cages. The next plan is to expand the rabbitry down onto the hill with 8 to 10 more holes planned, as well as to build the inner growout cages (4) for the growout shed we have. I think once these projects are finished, I can be content with my rabbitry, at least until next breeding season!