No, this isn’t about the Hunger Games, I’m just feeling like I’m on fire after yesterday. I recently arrived home from a LONG 10-day stint in Durham/Oxford, NC for work. I had been doing some work and taking care of some appointments and such on Thursday and Friday, so yesterday was my first day to myself to accomplish what I needed to.
Backtracking, on Thursday, the cat got fixed, I got a massage, and I did some unpacking and things around the house. Friday, we picked up feed and hay, went to the barn, went grocery shopping, and stopped in at Lewallen Farm’s farm store for some beef and extra eggs for my meal prepping.
Beginning on February 1, I got back on my paleo diet. I also am swearing off drinking for the month of February. I am feeling pretty good. I have found that when I do paleo, I often find myself having to make difficult eating choices because I don’t prepare enough, and I swore not to let that happen this time. I planned out the full 4 weeks of meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and then I got to prepping.
My actual prep began on Friday evening when I made some paleo blueberry muffins. I continued this on Saturday morning, starting around 8am and finally taking a break and sitting down around 7pm. My day consisted of the following: grinding rabbit with bacon for bunny burgers, starting a ‘paleo’ bacon cure (salt, honey, maple syrup, pepper), making a dozen sausage & egg breakfast cups, making a tomato, kale, onion, and goat cheese fritatta (not 100% paleo but I keep dairy in small amounts on my personal paleo diet), made some paleo ‘granola,’ broke down (butchered) one of our chickens for future dinners, started some bone broth with the rabbit & chicken bones, made paleo banana bread, mixed up some paleo turkey, asparagus, ginger, and mushroom stir fry with cauliflower rice, and did a bunch of work outside with the rabbits. To be honest, I am exhausted, but I plan on continuing to work as much as I can before I am back to work on Wednesday.
Of course, as usual, I took ZERO photos of my accomplishments. I apologize, but I just didn’t have time and I didn’t think about picking up my phone. Georgie is recovering well from her spay, no complications thus far. She is itching to get back outside. The weather has been warm and gorgeous and I am hopeful that I can accomplish a few more tasks on my to-do list before my time off is over. I am also working on preparing for our next rabbit show on 2/16 in Perry. Can’t wait!