…and we are BUSY here on the little farmstead.
I just returned from a nearly 3 week jaunt, out of town for work. I have four full days off, so I am working hard and catching up on things that need to get done around here.
I really SHOULD be mowing right now, however it’s been raining on and off, so I’ll have to ignore the rain forest-esque yard until tomorrow.
Yesterday, I acquired 8 new chicks, straight run! I’ve added pictures and descriptions of them at the end of this post. I weighed them all today, I like to try and keep account of weight gain/loss in my young stock. I tried to give the silkies (4) unisex names since they can’t be sexed until they’re older, as for the other four, their names are all just wishful thinking, hoping that they’re pullets (I believe, in my inexperience, that I have a roo and pullet of each). I’ll post the video of me giving them live mealworms on the farm Facebook, they were veracious!
Today, the kits (baby bunnies) turn two weeks, so I weighed them all and marked their ears (with sharpie, for now). I have not sexed them yet. Out of the six, five are alive and well, we lost one when it got out of the nest and fell on the ground. Sookie has her three, and Eowynn has two. All five are growing like weeds and are very healthy, which often happens in small litters with good mothers. Currently, all kits are available for purchase, when they are sexed they will be $55 for bucks, $65 for does, including pedigrees and transition food – available for pickup at 8 weeks old. See pics below.
I also am having my first go-round at canning today, making some red clover white wine jelly. I’m also going to get some soap going and work on cleaning my house a bit. 🙂