Have some exciting news to share regarding the 2018 ARBA convention. Unfortunately I was not able to attend, however I have plans to attend the 2020 convention in Harrisburg (Farm Show Complex), so I’ll be working towards that. Anyway, my good friend/transporter Katherine took my DF02 jr blue doe that had been doing so well at local shows, and she ended up winning Best Opposite Sex of Variety for the blues at convention! I am beyond thrilled, considering that this is my first EVER convention, and I have only been breeding show quality Silver Fox for about a year and a half. I am on top of the moon. DF02 is now headed to her new home at Ohio Star Rabbitry, who are very excited to have her.

I am also excited to announce that two AMAZING animals will be returning with Katherine to GA. My very good friend Linda Townsend had pre-purchased a black jr doe who ended up winning Best of Breed and then Best of the Best at convention. I purchased a lovely black senior buck from Margaret Funck who was 2nd senior buck, losing to his sire who was Best Opposite of Breed. The addition of these two rabbits to the gene pool in the South East should do wonders for our breeding program. Right now we have plans to attend Silver Fox Nationals in April 2019 in Hutchinson, KS, so we are breeding to have some nice juniors to take along. I will also be taking Dallan so that we can breed him back to his daughter DF02 for a promising litter.

That’s all I’ve got to say for now, just wanted to post about our successes. Yay rabbits!