The meat birds are officially gone. We butchered all 19 remaining birds this past Sunday, 5/19. We started at 8 and were finished around 10, processing about 10 birds per hour, which I think is pretty good. My thoughts? Well, for starters I think that this year’s birds grew slower and in turn were smaller than last spring. Meat quality still seems great, best I can tell. I think 2 dozen birds at a time is my absolute maximum. I ended up with around 65lb of meat in the freezer. I am selling some organs, feet, and rabbit furs to a gal who makes dog treats, and then selling 10 of the birds to Lewallen Farms. Unfortunately, due to personal life circumstances, I will not be able to continue producing for Lewallen this year. I am hopeful that I can produce birds for them next year, but we shall see where life puts me.
All in all, it was another productive endeavor with meat birds. I stand to make a little over $150 in profit. Not quite as profitable as last year, but we also had some setbacks with predators and the weather. I am already excited for a fall batch of birds, we shall see how they turn out.