I haven’t posted about the rabbitry much lately. Typically things are lazy in the summer & pick up come early fall. So, what’s been going on.
Well, to start, I lost Maggie this summer. Sadly, she succumbed to the oppressive GA heat. All other rabbits seem to be handling things well, poor Maggie was just a big girl from the North and couldn’t handle the humidity. She is a tough loss, as she was a great mother who threw fantastic offspring. I’m hoping my remaining does can fill her shoes.
I currently have 13 does, 5 bucks, plus 3 rabbits that I am donating to our GSFRB benefit auction, for a slim total of 21 rabbits. It’s been nice having my summer numbers cut down.
I did breed 3 does at the beginning of August so that I might have some potential juniors ready for our November specialty show. I bred Sookie to Linda’s Astro Man, and Peony & Dianna to Sammy. I ended up with only 2 from Sookie, 7 from Dianna, and 5 from Peony. Unfortunately I’ve lost 4 to the heat (1 Sookie, 3 Dianna), so I’ve been bringing the nest boxes in during the heat of the day & taking them back out to moms at night. Since I’ve started this, I have had no additional losses.
I’m waiting until I’m back from Chattanooga for work (end of September) to continue breeding, so I am currently not expecting any additional litters. It’s just too damn hot. We are having some record highs for September.
We had our first show of the 2019 – 2020 season on 8/31 in Murfreesboro, TN. Music City RBA was a double show which proved to be a great start to the 2019 – 2020 show season. A couple of my homebreds did really well. James Bond (Sammy x Maggie) was 1/8 intermediate bucks both shows. Cardi B (Pirate x Sookie) was 1/9 jr does in Show A and received her first leg. Lavinia (Pirate x Peony) was 2/9 jr does in both shows. Everyone else placed mid-class or better.
Additionally, Leona (Leon x Maggie), a doe I bred now owned by Linda Townsend, was 2/7 senior does only behind her GC doe Zin. Plus, Beth was in tow and we ended up being able to register & grand Peyote! Peyote (Pirate x Sookie) is my first homebred rabbit with my RR prefix to earn Grand Champion! I’m over the moon about that.
We have another show coming up 9/28 & 9/29 in Dublin, VA. Linda & I will be going and taking a good crop of rabbits. I am looking forward to it.