Community Garden vol. 2

I know we are “socially isolating,” but I just needed to get to the garden today. We’ve been on a spree of FABULOUS weather, today being a bit cooler in the upper 60s, and I needed to get my hands in the soil.

Broccoli & cabbage bed (near); cabbage & greens bed (far); radish & bed (right)

I talked to Sandra and she confirmed that they would be away most of the day and that I could come garden whenever. I headed over mid-morning and was pleasantly surprised when I arrived. All of our plants were still intact. Both the broccoli & cabbage looked to be doing very well, and the collards coming up looked lovely. The kale & spinach seeds that I had sewn were old, so I’m not surprised they didn’t come up. Everything else in those beds looks great! The beets were struggling while the radishes were on fire, and the onion & leek starts that Sandra had ordered & planted are also going well. The strawberries all seemed to have taken hold and the black berries & raspberries are green with growth. The only major disappointment was that the potatoes I had started off of potatoes my grandma grew didn’t take. Oh well, we will get seed potatoes and try again.

Onion/carrot bed (near, right); potato tower bed (top right); tomato/leek bed (center); cucumber/sweet potato bed (far left) [with broccoli/cabbage, cabbage/greens, & radish/beet beds in back]
Onion bed (red/white/sweet) with carrots between colors (atomic red & short’n’sweet)

Today I planted spinach and lettuce in the bed with the trellis where we will grow squash. I also planted chard around the pea/bean bed. I threw in 2 different carrot varieties with the onions. I also planted some tomato seedlings, the heartiest seedlings that I had at home. I figured if they get a good early start and make it, then we will have tomatoes that much sooner, and if not I have plenty of replacements at home. The varieties I planted were black vernissage, blue beauty, and pink ponderosa. I will be interested to see if they make it being planted so early.

Pepper bed (near), pea/bean/chard (center), squash/lettuce/spinach (far)
Radishes (large vibrant green leaves) and beets (smaller leaf clusters) [beet seeds were old, less space]

I am very proud of everyone who is helping with this garden, we have put in a lot of time and effort to get this bad boy producing, and if early signs are good we should have a fairly decent growing season. I am so happy that I have friends who are willing to split the work so that we can all end up benefiting. Looking forward to making our first harvest!

Strawberries (ground) & raspberries (along fence)
Tomato (pink pond, black vern, blue beaut) & leek bed

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