SO MANY NEW THINGS and of course I’ve been neglecting the blog.
First off, we got the chicken coop painted. It now matches the house, green with brown trim, and looks fabulous! Just need to finish the interior and she will be ready to go! Big thanks to Rob and some friends for helping me erect the coop & my grandparents for helping me paint it!
Secondly, the pigs are here! I picked them up from Cables Piggery on 6/1, and they’ve settled in nicely. They are all hampshire/duroc crosses, one barrow & 3 gilts. As of right now I pre-sold 3 of the 4, and will be using the final pig to sell retail cuts and provide myself with my own pork. They will be moved to their pasture in the woods this week.
My rabbitry is currently sitting somewhere around 60-70 rabbits, with 2 does due to kindle this week and another next week – I was breeding for convention juniors however with the cancellation of convention now they’re just hopefuls for some potential fall shows. RHDV-2 & COVID-19 are seriously killing showing and who knows if we will even be able to show this fall, but if we can I want to be prepared.
Other stuff? I hosted butcher day on 5/23, we processed 17 cornish X chickens, 8 ducks, and 4 rabbits. It went very smoothly besides plucking the stupid ducks, and I am happy with the amount of meat in the freezer.
I’ve currently got 50 bobwhite eggs & another 40 or so Coturnix eggs in the incubator, due to hatch around the 20th of June. Two of my hens also managed to hatch out 9 of 12 “rainbow layer” eggs that I bought off of Etsy.
Oh, also, I finally bought a truck! Proud owner of a 2019 Ford Ranger, so I can really do farm stuff now. Super happy about it.
All in all, things are going very well here on the farm. I’m very happy with what I am producing and that my animals are all in good health. Considering getting a couple turkeys for Thanksgiving, but we will see. Depends how everything else falls into place.